Many organizations are recommending getting a “Swine Flu Survival Kit”. We scoured the net and found the best one at Men’s Health Magazine. Their swine flu survival kit includes:
- Concord grapes are packed with the antioxidant resveratrol, which has been shown in lab tests to inhibit the reproduction of the flu virus by 90 percent.Pack some red wine, red grape juice or a resveratrol supplement.
Hot/cold pack
- Aspirin and acetaminophen will make you feel better but can prolong flu infection, say University of Maryland researchers. Fight fevers with cold packs instead.
Alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- Next to inhaling the flu, the easiest way to catch it is by bringing an infected hand to your mouth, eyes, or nose.
- Take your daily dose in Brazil nuts or in supplement form (400 micrograms or less). Selenium is believed to help combat oxidative stress during sickness.
3M N95 1860 mask
- Most masks only prevent the wearer from spreading germs. The 1860 (20 for $20) stops him or her from inhaling virus droplets.
Nonperishable foods
- Make a few of the cans sauerkraut; it’s packed with lactic-acid bacteria, shown by Korean researchers to speed recovery of chickens infected with avian flu.
Bottled water
- There could be quarantines and sanitation issues. The Department of Homeland Security recommends 1 gallon per person per day, during the swine flu epidemic. Stockpile a week’s worth.
- Take this remedy, made from diluted flu virus, within 24 hours of symptoms, recommends Keith DeOrio, M.D., a Men’s Health alternative-medicine advisor.